87882356And, the more that I think about Jesus saying, “Do not be afraid, just have faith” to a man whose little daughter has just died, the more I am both amazed and comforted.  When I reflect on the many things that are ‘crosses’ in my life right now, none of them can compare with the death of a child.  If Jesus could tell a grieving father to ‘just have faith’ when the circumstances seemed so dire, then there is nothing that I can’t bring to him, and nothing that he can’t heal.

“Just have faith” – three little words that can change my life.  These three little words are transforming…they effect my attitudes, my decisions, my moods, my past, present and future, the way I live and the way that I love.  He tells me, “Just have faith” and I answer:


I’m really worried

I’m so afraid

I’m not seeing you, hearing you, feeling you right now

I have to do something…I have to take control

I fear the worst

And he responds, “Do not be afraid, JUST HAVE FAITH”

And I ask for the faith of a mustard seed so I can move mountains.